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Transform Process Safety with exploCFD
The Ultimate Consequence Analysis Tool


Welcome to exploCFD

exploCFD is an award-winning and innovative software designed to transform explosion consequence analysis in industrial processes and designs. It was recognized with the Process Safety category at the IChemE Global Awards 2020 for its exceptional capabilities and groundbreaking hybrid analytical-numerical approach.

IChemE Award

At its core, exploCFD provides analysts and operators with a comprehensive understanding of site-specific risks. By accurately evaluating potential explosion scenarios, users can proactively identify and mitigate risks, strengthen buildings, plan relocations, and implement precise risk assessments.

exploCFD delivers fast and accurate results, making it a time-efficient solution for industry professionals. Its innovative approach considers critical obstacles like walls, buildings, and pipes, ensuring reliable outcomes through advanced algorithms and rigorous validation.

In today's highly competitive environment, accurate explosion hazard analysis is crucial for financial and safety reasons. exploCFD optimizes accuracy and resource allocation, enhancing safety measures, refining risk management strategies, and setting new industry standards in explosion consequence calculation.

Comprehensive List of exploCFD Capabilities:

Toxic and Flammable Dispersion Modelling

Gas and Dust Explosion Modelling

Fire Simulation

Fire and Gas Mapping and Detection

Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE)

Robust dispersion modelling to simulate the spread of gases, particulates, and pollutants.

Modelling of the behavior and impact of gas and dust explosions, including the Baker-Strehlow model for precise explosion simulations.

Detailed modelling of fire behavior and its impacts.

Advanced mapping and detection systems for fire and gas leaks.

Simulate and assess the impacts of BLEVE incidents. The most advanced BLEVE model available worldwide.

Mine/Tunnel Explosions

Evaluate the effects of explosions in confined spaces like mines and tunnels.

Explosive Charge (TNT) and Ammonium Nitrate Explosions

Modelling various explosive charges and their effects.

Vessel Rupture

Analysis of rupture scenarios in pressure vessels.

Arc and Transformer Explosions

Overpressure in Confined Areas

Hydrogen Leaks and Explosions

Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

Thermal Radiation

Explosion Risk Assessment

Heat Transfer

Transient Analysis

Evaporating Liquids (LNG)

Simulation of electrical explosions and their impacts.

Analysis of pressure build-up and release in confined spaces.

Detailed simulation of hydrogen leakage and explosion scenarios.

Modelling and risk assessment for BESS installations.

Evaluation of thermal radiation impacts and safety measures.

Assessment and mitigation of explosion risks in various industrial settings.

Detailed analysis of heat transfer for various applications.

Time-dependent simulations for dynamic processes.

Model the behavior and dispersion of evaporating liquid spills such as LNG, ammonia, methanol, and others.

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The fastest, easiest-to-use and most cost-effective consequence analysis software currently available

Gas Explosion using exploCFD

Gas Explosion


exploCFD is one of the easiest-to-use consequence analysis tools for explosion modelling

Detailed Wall Overpressure


Confined spaces and detailed wall overpressures are simulated in a fast, reliable and repeatable manner, displaying the superiority of exploCFD

Detailed Wall Overpressure exploCFD
Hydrogen Validation in exploCFD

Hydrogen Validation Cases


exploCFD is the only process safety consequence analysis tool that allows you to run your own validation scenarios

Battery Energy Storage System


Li-ion batteries are occasionally prone to failure, releasing toxic and flammable gases. exploCFD can model jet fires and overpressures from a developing internal explosion 

BESS in exploCFD
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exploCFD Tutorial 1

exploCFD Tutorial 1: Setting up exploCFD

exploCFD Tutorial 3

exploCFD Tutorial 3: Setting up the gas parameters a gas explosion and running the simulation

exploCFD Tutorial 5

exploCFD Tutorial 5: Setting up a dust explosion

exploCFD Tutorial 7

exploCFD Tutorial 7: How to carry out a BLEVE calculation using exploCFD

exploCFD Tutorial 2

exploCFD Tutorial 2: Importing a PDF plot plan, setting the scale and resolution

exploCFD Tutorial 4

exploCFD Tutorial 4: Visualizing the results

exploCFD Tutorial 6

exploCFD Tutorial 6: Calculating impulse from an explosion using Paraview

exploCFD Tutorial 8

exploCFD Tutorial 8: Simple explosion behind a wall tutorial

Explore the Possibilites with 

Modelling Methanol Spill Evaporation

Modelling Methanol Spill Evaporation with exploCFD v9.0

Sugar Dust Explosion Consequence Analysis

Dust Explosion Consequence Analysis using exploCFD

Escalation due to Flap Valve Failure in Dust Explosion Mitigation

Pre-test Modelling using exploCFD

Overview of exploCFD

Overview of exploCFD

Underground Mine Blast Dynamics Using exploCFD

Underground Mine Blast Dynamics Using exploCFD

Risk Based Fire and Gas Detector Study Methodology

Methodology for Risk-Based Fire and Gas Detection Analysis using exploCFD

exploCFD Blast Wall Analysis

exploCFD is designed to provide quick, accurate answers to complex explosion problems

exploCFD Mine Explosion
Fire and Gas Detection

Mine explosion modelling using exploCFD

exploCFD Fire and Gas detection study simulation setup in 3 min and 18 sec. The simulation time is 25 min on a standard laptop

exploCFD Probits Demo

exploCFD results will calculate Toxic Probit

exploCFD Hybrid Method

Short overview exploCFD Hybrid Method

Beirut Explosion

A virtual accident investigation into the Beirut Ammonium Nitrate explosion using exploCFD

Showcasing exploCFD

Modelling Ammonia Spill Evaporation

Simulating Ammonia Spill and Dispersion using exploCFD

Vortices Simulation

Vortices Simulation Using exploCFD

Dust Explosion Simulation

Dust Explosion Simulation Using exploCFD

exploCFD Accident Investigation Counterintuitive Tree Damage

exploCFD detonation of high explosives

exploCFD Ammonia

exploCFD ammonia accidental release

exploCFD Rocket

exploCFD good enough for a rocket

exploCFD Imperial College

Imperial College Lecture Modelling the Buncefield explosion on exploCFD

exploCFD Mounding

exploCFD different mounding approaches

exploCFD Quick Dispersion Setup

Setting up a complete dispersion calculation in 5 minutes and 16 seconds using exploCFD


exploCFD has the world's most detailed capability to model BLEVE - prevent before you regret

Pricing and Features of exploCFD

US$ 15,000/year

exclusive of taxes

Annual subscription with recurring annual billing.

Installed on your PC.

License is valid for one user only.

All current features and access to updated versions as, and when, they are released.

Prices are subject to change without notice.

Features of exploCFD version 9
  • Toxic and flammable dispersion

  • Gas and dust explosions, now including Baker-Strehlow model

  • Fire modelling

  • Fire and gas mapping and detection

  • BLEVE (the most advanced model in the world)

  • Mine/Tunnel explosions

  • Explosive charge (TNT) and Ammonium Nitrate explosions

  • Vessel rupture

  • Arc and transformer explosions

  • Overpressure in confined areas

  • Hydrogen leaks and explosions

  • Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) â€‹

  • Evaporating Liquids (LNG)

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Additional Features
  • ​Extensive web-based training on the installation and use of the software

  • Full specifications with one easy yearly payment

  • Access to future updated versions when released - no additional costs

  • Year-round technical support

US$ 990/week

exclusive of taxes

Features of exploCFD version 9
exploCFD logo

One-week, one-time trial subscription to solve small, simple problems.

Installed on your PC.

License is valid for one user only.

All current features and access to updated versions as, and when, they are released.

Prices are subject to change without notice.

  • Toxic and flammable dispersion

  • Gas and dust explosions, now including Baker-Strehlow model

  • Fire modelling

  • Fire and gas mapping and detection

  • BLEVE (the most advanced model in the world)

  • Mine/Tunnel explosions

  • Explosive charge (TNT) and Ammonium Nitrate explosions

  • Vessel rupture

  • Arc and transformer explosions

  • Overpressure in confined areas

  • Hydrogen leaks and explosions

  • Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) 

  • Evaporating Liquids (LNG)

Additional Features
  • ​Extensive web-based training on the installation and use of the software

  • Full specifications with one easy payment

  • Access to future updated versions when released - no additional costs

US$ 3,000/month

exclusive of taxes

Features of exploCFD version 9
exploCFD logo
  • Toxic and flammable dispersion

  • Gas and dust explosions, now including Baker-Strehlow model

  • Fire modelling

  • Fire and gas mapping and detection

  • BLEVE (the most advanced model in the world)

  • Mine/Tunnel explosions

  • Explosive charge (TNT) and Ammonium Nitrate explosions

  • Vessel rupture

  • Arc and transformer explosions

  • Overpressure in confined areas

  • Hydrogen leaks and explosions

  • Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) 

  • Evaporating Liquids (LNG)

Additional Features
  • ​Extensive web-based training on the installation and use of the software

  • Full specifications with one easy payment

  • Access to future updated versions when released - no additional costs

Monthly subscription with recurring monthly billing.

Installed on your PC.

License is valid for one user only.

All current features and access to updated versions as, and when, they are released.

Prices are subject to change without notice.

US$ 30,000/permanent license + US$ 5,000/year maintenance

exclusive of taxes

One-time purchase with a perpetual license and a low yearly maintenance fee. 

Installed on your PC.

All current features and access to updated versions as, and when, they are released.

Prices are subject to change without notice.

Features of exploCFD version 9
exploCFD logo
Additional Features
  • ​Extensive web-based training on the installation and use of the software

  • Full specifications with easy payments

  • Access to future updated versions when released - no additional costs

  • Year-round technical support

  • Toxic and flammable dispersion

  • Gas and dust explosions, now including Baker-Strehlow model

  • Fire modelling

  • Fire and gas mapping and detection

  • BLEVE (the most advanced model in the world)

  • Mine/Tunnel explosions

  • Explosive charge (TNT) and Ammonium Nitrate explosions

  • Vessel rupture

  • Arc and transformer explosions

  • Overpressure in confined areas

  • Hydrogen leaks and explosions

  • Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) 

  • Evaporating Liquids (LNG)

exploCFD User Manual

Download exploCFD comprehensive user manual to gain in-depth insights into exploCFD's features, workflows, and best practices. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced analyst, the manual provides step-by-step guidance for harnessing the full potential of exploCFD.​

Key Attributes of exploCFD


Unparalleled Speed

Experience lightning-fast simulations and results with exploCFD. Its advanced algorithms and optimized calculations enable rapid analysis, saving valuable time and resources.


Pinpoint Accuracy

Trust in the precision and reliability of exploCFD. The software utilizes state-of-the-art models and techniques to deliver accurate and consistent simulation outcomes, allowing data-driven decisions with confidence.


User-Friendly Interface

Say goodbye to complexity and steep learning curves. exploCFD is designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it accessible to both seasoned professionals and those new to consequence analysis software.


Comprehensive Consequence Analysis 

From flammable releases to toxic events and detonation scenarios, exploCFD covers a wide range of consequence analysis applications. It empowers users to assess risks, predict over-pressures, and evaluate safety measures across industrial facilities.


Cost-Effective Solution

Achieve outstanding results without breaking the bank. exploCFD offers a cost-effective alternative to expensive process safety software, without compromising on performance or accuracy.


Industry Recognition

Join a growing community of satisfied end users who have harnessed the power of exploCFD. The software has garnered acclaim within the process safety industry for its capabilities and is trusted by professionals worldwide.
IChemE Process Safety Global Awards 2020

Revolutionary CFD Tool - Safety Hazards Sectors


  • Revolutionary consequence analysis tool for explosion modelling and one of the easiest-to-use

  • Reads in a plot plan and recognises its features to construct the geometry - No geometry construction necessary 

  • Models gas explosions, BLEVE, dust explosions and explosive charges, as well as, high explosives, such as TNT or AN

  • Rapid accurate 2-D CFD solver 

  • Continuous development based on expert consultants' feedback

  • Worldwide technical support and training

In order to make the appropriate decisions for a facility with major or significant explosion hazards, you need accurate quantification of overpressure magnitudes and distributions, which are not afforded by crude 1-D radial models. exploCFD enables you to accurately assess explosion hazards rapidly and accurately.


Benefits of exploCFD for explosion analysis


  • Extensively validated models with over 3500 cases with realistic geometries  

  • Easy to use, rapid problem setup using vector plot plan PDF 

  • No need for time consuming geometry build from scratch 

  • More accurate than 1-D models and easier to set up

  • Assess diverse hazards - assess a wide range of flammable and toxic hazards

  • User friendly - intuitive GUI and easy to access results      

Methodology and validation papers exploCFD and SU2

[1] J. F. Roos and M. Abdel-jawad, ‘Enhancing flammable gas dispersion and explosion prediction: A novel hybrid analytical-numerical approach with exploCFD’, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, vol. 181, pp. 523–534, Jan. 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.psep.2023.11.051.
[2] J. F. Roos and M. Abdel-jawad, ‘Comparing hybrid method simulations to hydrogen dispersion and explosion tests’, Aust. Energ. Prod. J., vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 258–265, May 2024, doi: 10.1071/EP23206.
[3] M. Abdel-Jawad, ‘Validation of BLEVE events using the hybrid code exploCFD’, Process Safety Progress, vol. 40, no. 2, p. e12208, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.1002/prs.12208.
[4] M. Abdel-Jawad, ‘CSC coupled Graham Kenney source term for hybrid models of BLEVE events: Formulation, implementation and validation’, Process Safety Progress, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 281–288, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.1002/prs.12247.
[5] M. Abdel-jawad, P. Brady, M. Ermaliuc, and D. McGuckin, ‘Validating a Fast Hybrid Method for Modelling Explosions’, presented at the NAFEMS World Congress, Quebec, Canada, 2019.
[6] T. D. Economon, ‘Simulation and Adjoint-based Design for Variable Density Incompressible Flows with Heat Transfer’, in 2018 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Atlanta, Georgia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Jun. 2018. doi: 10.2514/6.2018-3111.
[7] M. Pini et al., ‘SU2: the Open-Source Software for Non-ideal Compressible Flows’, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., vol. 821, p. 012013, Mar. 2017, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/821/1/012013.
[8] J. Li, G. Ma, M. Abdel-jawad, and Y. Huang, ‘Gas dispersion risk analysis of safety gap effect on the innovating FLNG vessel with a cylindrical platform’, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, vol. 40, pp. 304–316, Mar. 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.jlp.2016.01.005.
[9] T. D. Economon, F. Palacios, S. R. Copeland, T. W. Lukaczyk, and J. J. Alonso, ‘SU2: An Open-Source Suite for Multiphysics Simulation and Design’, AIAA Journal, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 828–846, Mar. 2016, doi: 10.2514/1.J053813.
[10] T. D. Economon et al., ‘Performance optimizations for scalable implicit RANS calculations with SU2’, Computers & Fluids, vol. 129, pp. 146–158, 2016, doi:
[11] T. A. Albring, M. Sagebaum, and N. R. Gauger, ‘Efficient Aerodynamic Design using the Discrete Adjoint Method in SU2’, in 17th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Washington, D.C.: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Jun. 2016. doi: 10.2514/6.2016-3518.
[12] J. Li, G. Ma, M. Abdel-jawad, and H. Hao, ‘Evaluation of Gas Explosion Overpressures at Configurations with Irregularly Arranged Obstacles’, J. Perform. Constr. Facil., vol. 29, no. 5, Oct. 2015, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000678.
[13] G. Ma, J. Li, and M. Abdel-jawad, ‘Accuracy improvement in evaluation of gas explosion overpressures in congestions with safety gaps’, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, vol. 32, pp. 358–366, Nov. 2014, doi: 10.1016/j.jlp.2014.10.007.
[14] J. Li, M. Abdel-jawad, and G. Ma, ‘New correlation for vapor cloud explosion overpressure calculation at congested configurations’, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, vol. 31, pp. 16–25, 2014, doi:
[15] J. Ahrens, B. Geveci, and C. Law, ‘ParaView: An End-User Tool for Large-Data Visualization’, in The Visualization Handbook, 2005.
[16] BG Technology, ‘Explosions in Full Scale Offshore Model Geometries’, Health and Safety Executive, Merseyside, United Kingdom, 2000.
[17] K. Van Wingerden, O. R. Hansen, and P. Foisselon, ‘Predicting blast overpressures caused by vapor cloud explosions in the vicinity of control rooms’, Proc. Safety Prog., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 17–24, 1999, doi: 10.1002/prs.680180105.
[18] J. A. Evans, R. Exon, and D. M. Johnson, ‘The Repeatability of Large Scale Explosion Experiments, in Offshore Technology Reports.’, Health and Safety Executive, 1999.
[19] Eggen, J. B. M. M., GAME: Development of guidance for the application of the multi-energy method. HSE Books, 1998, 1995.
[20] A. Berg, ‘The multi-energy method : A framework for vapour cloud explosion blast prediction’, Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 12, pp. 1–10, 1985.

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